Hello readers! It's been awhile since I've actually written about what's been going on in my life. Soooo many things have been happening.
I've been taken on full time at my day job. I absolutely love my coworkers and the environment, but working full time is very taxing, especially juggling mermaid and modeling stuff on top of it. Very much progress has been made and major things have been happening, but it's been incredibly taxing mentally and physically.
While August was very busy juggling mermaid and modeling work, full time day work, a sudden death in the family, and a newly budding social life, September was the worst and busiest month. The particularly problematic time was the beginning of the month. There was a span of time where I had "off" four days in a row and then scheduled to work 10 days in a row. Our shifts are random and sometimes include closing the store at night then opening the next morning...called the dreaded "Clopen". Here's how it really went: I got a legitimate day off, then the next "day off" was a major 3 hour photoshoot for an Amazon seller (Glamaker), the next was a big beach day and shoot in New Jersey with one of my simply amazing friends, Fitzie (which was awesome, btw, blog coming soon but not all the photos are finished), and the following day I had a private mermaid event in cold water on labor day, then immediately to 10 days of work, all the while juggling sorting and editing almost 700 photos when I got home from work each evening.
I get fevers easily from stress and exhaustion, and about day 2 of going back to work I started to get a small one, which unfortunately snowballed. On the night of day 5 I had to call out and cancel day 6 because the fever had evolved so bad that I started hallucinating while I was working late. I feel bad calling out, like I'm letting down the team, but my support system assured me that I simply needed to rest. I wasn't completely better after a day of rest, but it seriously helped. It also prompted me to order a digital thermometer in order to keep this in order. Once I finished the huge majority of the photos (fashion photos with the white backgrounds take me 20-40 minutes each) I slowly recovered over time, trying to juggle work, the remaining photos, and rest in a healthier manner.
Now that we've climbed into October and my trip to Oklahoma is fast approaching, I'm feeling a lot better. Still very busy, especially with the chaos that is trying to tie up loose ends before the trip, but so much has happened and is still in the process of happening that I can't help but feel proud of the progress. My inner peace also grows knowing there's not only rest soon, but also in the arms of Stephen, as well as many beautiful things ahead together for four weeks.
In case you didn't catch the previous blog entry, on the 10th, which is this coming Tuesday, I'll be leaving for Oklahoma until early morning on the 4th. Shipping my tail was a pain and very expensive, which was stressful, but it'll be worth it in the end. The trip is an oasis in a desert of exhaustion. I haven't seen Stephen since September of last year and I want nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms.
Another one of the biggest things to happen recently was getting my big camera upgrade. About three years ago I saved up and bought my first camera, which was a Canon Rebel T3. Carmen served me well for many years, but rising up in the professional world, it was beyond time for an upgrade. I will be keeping my old camera for backup, mostly for events and things like that.
My new upgrade is a Canon 5D Mark III, which I have named Cameron. I saved up for months with my day job as a cashier to purchase it. I also got it some friends, in the form of a hard case, new SD card, extra batteries + charger, and a UV lens filter. Not counting legal hub-bub such as trademark and legal fees, this is my second big ticket purchase and huge upgrade to my business, right after my silicone mermaid tail. I'm very proud of these accomplishments. I purchased it with a 24-105mm lens, which will be perfect for photoshoots. Stephen will be the first one to take a photoshoot of me with it when I visit, and we do have sooo many shoots planned. I'm totally stoked.
It's now Saturday night, and I just worked at my day job for the last time before my trip. It was the early opening shift, and now I can finally get some rest. That was a huge weight off my shoulders, even if truth be told I will miss my friends there. My tail has been shipped, and all that's left now is to finish packing, take a meditation bath, and rest up before the trip. Next time you'll hear from me will probably be while I'm in Oklahoma.
Thank you for staying tuned and following my journey. Sending much love to all.
Queen Werandra
NEW CAMERA + I'm exhausted (personal updates 10-07-2017)
Reviewed by WerandRa
11:28 PM

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