Hi everybody! :) Today I'll be comparing two inflatable turtle floats by the company INTEX. I am a fan of INTEX, they are a great company that has really nice products, they are the same company that made my inflatable pool for mermaid gigs as well as the inflater/blower. I hope to get more products from them in the future! Anyway, onto the turtles.
For reference, this is the realistic NATURAL coloured turtle and this is the realistic GREEN coloured turtle. The green one is 75" x 67" and the natural one is 59" x 50".
Here are some photos so you can clearly see the differences between the two, most notably the size. The natural is on the right and the green is on the left.
If I pull my legs up, I can curl up on the green turtle (pictured above) to stay completely out of the water. I'm 5'10", so this is a big plus to me.
There was no size listed on the Amazon page for natural coloured turtle at the time of my purchase, and annoyingly, none reviews mentioned exact measurements either. I asked the community if it was the same size as the 75" x 67" green turtle, and one person said "the turtles are the same size", so I ordered it. Shortly after ordering it, another person said, and I quote, "No, this turtle is a little smaller, but way more fashionable". Go figure. All I could do was wait and see when it arrived.
When it arrived, I saw on the box that it was 59"x50" inches. Sigh. Smaller, but more fashionable indeed. You know what else, else? Turns out Intex sells a THIRD turtle float (with more cartoony "pool toy" look instead of a realistic paintjob) that comes in both 75"x67" AND 59"x50"! What a way to add to the confusion. Geez. I personally don't like the cartoony aesthetic of that one and don't (and don't wish to) own either size, but will mention them to compare for the sake of the review. That makes a total of four Intex turtle ride on floats floating around on the internet (pun intended) as I write this review. Please be careful when purchasing and read size measurements carefully to ensure you're actually getting the size you want. As shown in the photos above, the green is MUCH larger than the natural.
At the time of writing, (July 22nd, 2017), this is what the four similar floats are going for on Amazon from the company Intex, rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Realistic green 75" x 67": $12
Realistic natural 59" x 50": $23
Cartoony 75" x 67": $40
Cartoony 59" x 50": $13
From my point of view, the realistic green is the best value all around in a big way. The current pricing makes no sense to me but that's not something I get to dictate so we'll leave it at that. I'm keeping both realistic turtle floats, but if given the choice to buy again I'd rather re-purchase the green without hesitation because of the major size and price difference. I like the natural's colouring slightly better, but it's seriously outweighed the fact that's it's significantly smaller and almost twice the price compared to the green one.
BOTH: Comes with clear adhesive repair patch in case of accidental puncture
BOTH: Two air chambers, one for the body and one for the inner shell area where you sit.
BOTH: Heavy duty handles to grip
BOTH: Realistic colouring
BOTH: Can support an average size adult with no issues
Obvious colour difference
Green is 75" x 67"
Realistic is 59" x 50"
Green is $12
Realistic is $23
BOTH: Colouring on both turtles is life-like and looks deluxe, not like a cheap pool toy
BOTH: Vinyl seems strong and secure, good quality, not flimsy
BOTH: Air doesn't escape easily even when inflation "belly button" is open
BOTH: Looks cute at your pool party or event
GREEN: Massive size and realistic colouring for a very low price (in general and in comparison to similar products)
GREEN: Massive size implies more support for larger or heavier adults
NATURAL: Obligatory safety warning labels on turtles' backs are minimally invasive aesthetically
BOTH: Inflation and deflation is difficult and lengthy for both turtles because air doesn't escape easily or enter when you open the "belly button", you have to squeeze it at a certain angle and apply pressure to the float push air out.
If you're the type of person to inflate pool toys once for the whole summer, you're good to go. They stay inflated very well. If you deflate them for various reasons (storage, travel, etc), be prepared to squish and squash the air out for a good ten minutes at least everytime.
GREEN: Obligatory warning and safety labels on shell are blatant and somewhat invasive compared to natural
GREEN: Obligatory warning and safety labels on shell are blatant and somewhat invasive compared to natural
REALISTIC: Smaller size and higher price tag compared to green.
Green blows realistic out of the water in both price, size, and function. As I said, I love the colouring on the realistic, but everything else about the green far outweighs that. Both are high quality in function and aesthetic, but unless you only want it for the colour or are purposely interested in a smaller sized float, buy the green.
Green: ✯✯✯✯✯ 5/5 stars
Realistic: ✯✯✯✯ 4/5 stars
VS review: INTEX realistic turtle floats: green 75" x 67" vs natural 59" x 50"
Reviewed by WerandRa
2:55 PM

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