The summer is off to a great start! On July 1st I had a HUGE event in Gaithersburg, their first annual SummerFest. I was hired by the city of Gaithersburg to attend the fest as a selfie station to take pictures and greet children. It went REALLY well, I was super popular and had an amazing time!
Gaithersburg is a bit far away from where I live, but thankfully, my awesome cousin Jason stepped up to be my hero! He took me to the event and helped out with setting up/dismantling my booth, and his wonderful Chevy Traverse was able to fit all my gear. We bought my wheelchair, my Adirondack chairs (which are a pain in the butt to transport because they're awkwardly shaped and large), my background/frame, as well as my mermaid bag and lunch bag. The event representative that I spoke to specifically requested that I wear my blue tang/Dory cosplay, so thankfully I didn't have to deal with my silicone tail this time.
As part of my booth set up, I was asked to bring an 8x8 photography background of a beach (found a beautiful one on Amazon), and I offered to purchase some kid sized Adirondack chairs to go with my big one for photos. I was reimbursed for both the background and the chairs as part of my payment, AND I got to keep them for future events!!! :D So now I have my very own simple but sweet booth for events! The only thing I didn't get to keep was the blue netting, but I can easily purchase some of this on my own to re-create this beautiful set up. This made me really happy. Here I am in my wonderful booth set up, and one without me in it.
It was so busy, and I was VERY popular at the event! Sometimes there were 4 or 5 families crowded around me waiting their turn for photos. It was so busy that Jason couldn't even get to me to check in most of the time, hahaha. The kids really loved it, I got a lot of hugs as well. :) I also had this one little girl who was just so sweet, after we took our pictures she came back from a craft table and presented me with this:
My heart just melted. Absolutely made my night. <3 Things like this is why I love to do what I do, making happy memories that last for a lifetime. It makes me feel good that I'm able to inspire the younger generation and bring magic back into a world that desperately needs it. Kids are able to find the magic in life because they look for it, something adults tend to stop believing in over time because that's what society tells them to do.
Overall, I had a really great time with everybody, and I want to give a HUGE thanks to Jason for helping me with this event. It was really nice to do something together, I hope he had as much fun as I did. And of course, thanks to the City of Gaithersburg for having me, hope to see you next year!!!
Mermaid Gipsy
Mermaid Gipsy at Gaithersburg SummerFest 2017
Reviewed by WerandRa
1:10 PM

Uber hugs!