Fairy Yard Sale with ShoresToFlames

EDIT: I am no longer voulenteering with ShoresToFlames, but their group is still active and going strong! :) Check out their Facebook page here.

To-day I had my first mermaid tribe event collaborating with ShorestoFlames! :D We had a booth at a fairy themed craft/yard sale in Baltimore. It was super fun, everybody was really nice. I didn't get many pictures because I was caught up in the moment, but I had a great time with all the lovely tribe members and the fairy festival community. Also, I got a super fancy gypsy/genie looking outfit that I fell in love with; it'll probably be my new non-mermaid festival outfit- to be revealed soon! ;)

Picture by Malia Ceto-albanoe'

Picture by Malia Ceto-albanoe'

Picture by Malia Ceto-albanoe'

A ton of people took my picture or took pictures with me. :) A mom really wanted her little four year old daughter to sit with me for a picture, but she was afraid of me no matter how nice I was- first time experience with that. But have no fear! Eventually we enticed her over with doubloon cookies made by another lovely tribe member and she was fine after that. 

Orion has to make goofy picture faces or else he stops breathing.

 I had Orion escort me to the event, which was awesome because I got to hang out with both him and my tribe. When we left the event we talked about our upcoming art projects and collaborations at Denny's. I also tried to shoot a straw at him while he was reading the menu and failed miserably. 

My cousin Goldie also showed up and hung out with us for a bit! :D

Earlier in the week I bought supplies and made two mermaid treasure boxes to put on our communal table for sale. They didn't sell this time, unfortunately, but Mali has them to take to other events- I'm sure they'll find their permanent home soon! :) Here's a compilation of pictures!

And that's about it! :) So much went on that if I write any more I'll have a novelette. The summary is that I had a SUPER fun time with everybody. :D


Mermaid Gipsy

Fairy Yard Sale with ShoresToFlames Fairy Yard Sale with ShoresToFlames Reviewed by WerandRa on 4:01 PM Rating: 5

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