New Facebook page just for my mermaid work!

  Hello, mermaid lovers! :) To reiterate the post title:  I now have a separate Facebook page for my mermaid work! I'm concentrating on children's birthday parties at the moment, but of course, am open to other gigs. I hope to do some mermaid charity work in the future, too. Please show some love and give my new page a "Like". :)  Click here to be taken to it!

I'm also considering making birthday appearances as Snow White, but that'll come later. For now, I just have to focus on getting more exposure and advertising (mermaid and otherwise). I'm working on some fliers now, and will make new ones after a photoshoot at the end of the month.

Thanks to all who have helped me get this far! I feel Cap'n Bill deserves another shout-out. ;)

Mermaid Gipsy
New Facebook page just for my mermaid work! New Facebook page just for my mermaid work! Reviewed by WerandRa on 10:23 PM Rating: 5

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