Everybody has things in their life for which they can be thankful, no matter what their situation. God has blessed me with many, many gifts in my life, and I am very thankful for every one of them; I am very lucky. While perhaps not everyone has as many as I do, everybody has some blessings. Chances are, yours is full of them as well.
I invite you now to take a minute and think, really think, about the good things in your life. A surprising number of people are forgetful of all their blessings. Don't think you have any? Think again.
Let me list the basics needed to live:
- Someone that cares about you (even if it's only one person)
- Food to eat
- Clean water to drink
- A roof over your head
- Clothing to protect you from the elements
Do you have any of the above? If so, be thankful! Listing the basics may be cliché, but don't take them for granted. Be thankful if you have them, because plenty of people do not.
Now, let us move onto the next tier of basics:
- Sanitary waste plumbing/removal
- The ability to shower/bathe with soap and clean water
- The ability to clean your clothes
- A bed
- Warmth (blankets, a fire, ect.)
- Something out of which you can eat (a bowl, fork, & spoon)
- A bag of some kind to carry belongings
- The ability to read and write
While still considered "basic", the above are very important, yet often overlooked as a blessing.
Third tier essentials, for more comfortable living:
- Electricity
- Somewhere safe and comfortable to live
- A clean bed with blankets and a pillow
- Grooming products besides the basic soap (including a towel)
- A few different outfits that you like and that fit
- Something for personal amusement/non-electronic hobby related (sketchbook, paint, ect)
- A few "non-essential" or sentimental objects
- A couple people who love and care about you
If you have any of the above, you should consider yourself lucky. Think about how different life would be without these things.
Non-essentials, but for more comfortable living:
- Wifi/internet
- A device able to get onto said internet
- Heating and air conditioning
- An ample wardrobe
- Food related "treats"
- Basic make-up
- Jewelry/purely decorative accessories
- Living space decorations solely for aesthetics
- A few things hobby-related for amusement
- Some spending money for recreation
- A decent education
If you are in possession of the above, definitely consider yourself very lucky. There are many good things in your life!
Luxury non-essentials:
- Multiple electronics
- A car (or "cars")
- Fancy jewelry
- A pet (or "pets"- and ability to care for it/them)
- Fancier food than just basics
- Abundant spending money for recreation
- Fancy "upgrades" to manual household objects
- College
- A collection of some sort
- A pool or other outdoor recreational area
- Fancy make-up
So, my friend, do you see what I mean? There are plenty of blessings in your life, no matter how simple they might be. If you're ever feeling like nothing is going your way, take the time to list out these gifts you've been given, and take a moment to appreciate every little thing you have. :)
Now let's talk about the blessings of the physical body as opposed to outward blessings maintaining it. It's simple. Take the time to think about each item individually, and how different life would be without it. Perhaps some readers are lacking one or more of the following; if so, concentrate on the blessings you do possess and be grateful for them. Here we go:
- Having functional arms and hands; being able to feel, move objects, and perform basic tasks without assistance
- Having functional legs; being able to walk or even run
- Having functional eyes; being able to see
- Having functional ears; being able to hear
- Having functional vocals; being able to speak
- Having a functional nose; being able to smell
- Having a function tongue; being able to taste
Some may argue that the last two aren't as important as the others, and perhaps to them, they aren't. What's important to some may not be to others. We should be thankful for all our gifts nonetheless, not limited to the ones listed.
We can't forget to be thankful for good health! Health is one of the utmost important blessings one can have. If I'm suffering from a temporary ailment, I take much comfort in the fact that it will soon be over. What else can we be thankful for if we have it? Medicine. We can be thankful for the medicine that relieves us and helps bring us peace. If you are suffering from an ailment, appreciate the things that are feeling good and working properly. If you are in good health, rejoice, for it is truly one of the best gifts you can possess.
One other thing...Society, unfortunately, has a generalized idea of what is aesthetically "beautiful" and what isn't, but don't let that get you down. Beauty is subjective, regardless of what the media tells you. Remember, true beauty lies within the soul, not the exterior body. You don't need perfectly straight, white teeth to have a beautiful smile; it just needs to be sincere. Everybody has at least one good feature, even if they aren't aware of it. Be thankful for the beauty you do have, (whether it be inside or outside, or both) and be happy and grateful that you are yourself, and you are a unique individual. Falling in love with your soul and individuality is the stepping stone to appreciating and being grateful for what you see in the mirror.
Blessed be!
-Queen Werandra
Let's Talk About: Things for which to be thankful
Reviewed by WerandRa
2:02 PM

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