What's been going on in my life: November 11th, 2014

You may have noticed a lack of blog posts for quite awhile. Life has been very busy, but mostly in a good way! Not a day goes by when I don't think about something new I can post here, or something artistic I can do; I just don't normally get around to doing it when I think about it.

Let me sum up what's been going on around here!

First of all, I got a Snow White costume shortly before Halloween. I LOVE it. I wore it for two photoshoots, the first with Mum:

Then I used it again in a photoshoot with my friend, and professional photographer, Kelly Naumann. The photos turned out absolutely gorgeous:

Speaking of Snow White and Halloween, I attended a really awesome Halloween party hosted by my equally awesome friend, Orion, and his adorably sweet wife, Amy. Had a great time there, and met some really nice people, with whom I might collaborate in the future. 

As for Halloween itself, I spent it with Lydia. We went Trick-or-Treating as Snow White and Red Riding Hood. Grimm faerie tales, you see. She gifted me the red cape I'm wearing in the picture. Woohoo! :D We got a crapton of candy. 

You can tell Gran took this picture, because it's super blurry! :D

After the Halloween hubbub calmed down, I took a bit of a rest. The past week or so has been very quiet. I took and uploaded some photography, but didn't do much else. Luckily, things are about to pickup this week in a big way. See my next blog post for more details!

Oh, and JuJu got a lovely pair of pajamas. My dad bought them for him. 
Everybody loves them, especially JuJu! <3

Until next time!
Fare thee well!

-Queen Werandra
What's been going on in my life: November 11th, 2014 What's been going on in my life: November 11th, 2014 Reviewed by WerandRa on 9:46 PM Rating: 5

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