Barefooting adventures: White Marsh Mall

One of the many reasons I love the White Marsh mall is because there is no dress code in their very agreeable Code of Conduct. Some places state that shirts and shoes are required, but the thing is, if they don't do so (usually on a sign near the entrance or on the doors), they aren't. And thus, they legally can't kick you out soley (no pun intended) for being barefoot. I learned this from my friends at Please check out their website for more info! This is a favourite article of mine.

 Anyway, here are some short clips and pictures I took of me barefooting at the White Marsh Mall.

This is Rue21. I initially came in because of their sparkly floor (oooh! Pretty!), and couldn't resist taking a video of it.  They had some lovely sales going on, as well.

Still in Rue21.

And here is my POV on an escalator. :)

 I had a nice time. Thankst thou for joining my barefooting adventure to White Marsh Mall!

-Queen Werandra
Barefooting adventures: White Marsh Mall Barefooting adventures: White Marsh Mall Reviewed by WerandRa on 9:00 PM Rating: 5

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