Ongoings going on - Mid-year check up 6/29/2016

 Hey everybody! I hope you're having a nice evening. :)

Right now we're already moving towards the heart of summer, which is always my ultra busiest season, and I already have a massive amount of work piled up to catch up on. Ugh. Here are some updates, and a list of what's currently underway:

  •  First and formost: in my last post I announced that my mersona name has been officially changed to "Mermaid Gipsy". This is a big step forward in my mermaid career, but entails a TON of additional work with it. I have to update ALL of my mermaid images with my new mermaid watermark, and edit as much of old posts as I can to replace my old mersona name with my new one. Re-watermarking really sucks, and it's eating up a ton of my time, but since it's summer and I'm currently in the midst of several mermaid related endeavours, it's taking priority above other online art projects.
  •   I'm now officially giving mermaid lessons! :D This is super fun, and I enjoy it so much. I currently have 3 students that I'm teaching at one of their homes. My pool has just recently opened, so I have to put up fliers in local places where I might attract students. ...I also have to make and print said fliers. Orion's currently working on new business cards for me with my updated info, so I should have those soon, too. (Thanks, Orion!)
  •   On the topic of mermaid stuff, I have have a couple new mermaid related wardrobe pieces (including three new tails, as mentioned in my last post) and some new equipment, with more on the way. The earliest you should see my new tails is probably a day or so after the 4th of July; my cousin usually helps me with underwater GoPro photos in the pool, and he does a really nice job. Look for one of his photos below! I'll probably put on my orange tail for the next underwater shoot with him.

  •   The next big obstacle: I'm currently in a Driver's Education class that's ten days straight, three hours every session, and that's something that takes up a lot of my energy.  All 100's so far on the unit tests, though! :) I have two lessons left, then the final on Saturday, and after I have to schedule my drive times. Included in the class are three behind the wheel sessions, and they have to be scheduled in advance. Since I don't have a lot of drive time experience under my belt yet, it might be awhile before I do so. After that and all my hours are completed, I can take the MVA test to finally get my licence. That will be a great benefit to me in all aspects, but the process getting there is something that I have to carefully juggle alongside everything else.
  •    There are still lots of images that Stephen took that I have to edit and upload, as they're still totally raw.  I'm taking a break from uploading them, though, as I said before, mermaid images being re-watermarked are taking priority at the time being.
  •   Besides mermaid re-watermarks, I still have about 600 old photos floating around in storage on dA to re-edit, watermark, and re-publish. Those are very low on the priority list, and probably will be in storage for the foreseeable future.
  •   One other thing taking priority: I've lately been dabbling in fashion modeling, for Amazon, Etsy, and other websites. I've just recently figured out a much easier way to white out backgrounds (a requirement for Amazon product photos), so I'm going in and re-editing my uploaded fashion modeling. This looks SO much more professional than just smoothed out backgrounds, which is needed immediately for my portfolio, since I am in the middle of discussing potential modeling endeavours with some online sellers. This is shared priority with mermaid re-watermarks, but there are only a handful of fashion images to edit, so I hope to knock those out soon.
  •   I have about five additional blog entries to write, that are way overdue. My head's been spinning too much to sit down and write, and if I do have any extra free time, I try to juggle spending time with Stephen playing games and watching movies.
  •   On July 6th I have a photoshoot scheduled with Orion that I talked about briefly in an older post. When we meet up we have a TON of stuff to talk about, including some future projects.
  •   I have other projects in progress that are still too new to discuss yet, but trust me when I said I'm swamped with good things happening! Including a massive collaboration in the beginning of August, but said collaborator asked me to leave it as a surprise until we have details hammered out.

  I might have left out a couple things, but that's the gist of everything. I'm exhausted right now and it's bed time. Stay tuned, and thanks to everyone for your support!

Queen Werandra
Ongoings going on - Mid-year check up 6/29/2016 Ongoings going on - Mid-year check up 6/29/2016 Reviewed by WerandRa on 11:41 PM Rating: 5