Ripkin Stadium community yard sale with Orion

Woah, today was fun! I am super exhausted, though. I went with my close friend, Orion Nelson, to a community yard sale at Ripkin Stadium. He has an absolute treasure trove of various action figures and other collectable toys. I brought my old hoard of Neopets (that had been sitting in my basement in a bin) to try to sell, along with some other odds and ends. We totally loaded up his van with boxes upon boxes of stuff to take. He said it was like Tetris in real life, which is totally was! So, so many boxes, and about two hours to get the booth set up between the two of us, plus about an hour to pack it all back up. Here is the finished booth open for business! (These images belong to him, uploaded with permission and watermarked on his behalf) 

Here's a picture of my Neopet hoard.

....And here's a picture of me posing insanely on my Neopet Hoard.

"Let's take an "Ugly Face" picture!", said Orion. "OKAY! :D", I exclaimed with glee.

Jarts: the potentially dangerous banned toy that, of course, Orion has.

I must say that I'm rather pleasantly surprised the Jarts didn't end up in either or both of our heads.

We had to leave for the yard sale at about  5am. I pulled my first total all-nighter last night; we were up blabbing away and watching AFV, so by the time I noticed how late it was, it wasn't worth getting only two hours of sleep. Surprisingly, the sleepies didn't hit me until about 12pm to-day. Naturally, I was totally exhausted when it was over, with all the not sleeping Friday night and all the manual labor to-day. 
  I was allowed to roam free for a bit while Orion manned the booth, and I got to dork around inside the actual stadium, where thought it would be fun to roll around in the plush grass (I was right, by the way). I took a short five or ten minute nap there, also. Whoops! As I was leaving the field, the security guard told me that I looked comfy, haha!

  Another funny thing that made me smile: as I was walking around checking out the various other vendors, one man asked me, in an excited tone, if I was a gypsy princess. I confirmed the theory (I didn't  boast that I am, in fact, actually a queen :P), and he said, as I entered his booth, "Oh, good! Gypsy princesses get 10% off all purchases". Ha! :) It was cute.

 After the yard sale, we got Chick-Fil-A and headed back to return the van that we borrowed to Amy's parents. The plan was to stay at their place for dinner, collect Amy and her sister, then head to the movies to see the new Avengers, but I was simple too tired. I didn't even make it to dinner before I started falling asleep. None-the-less, despite the early morning hours and lack of sleep, it was a really great day, and I made a few bucks, too! Quite the adventure! I look forward to going to more events like this. What a blast! Thanks for the great time, Orion! :)

Until next time!
-Queen Werandra

Ripkin Stadium community yard sale with Orion Ripkin Stadium community yard sale with Orion Reviewed by WerandRa on 6:40 PM Rating: 5

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